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Showing posts from May, 2014


Where do we begin? Where do we end up? Life moves on and so do we, We love...We hate... Sometimes high on passion, Sometimes drunk and drown... Sometimes knotted to the deck, Sometimes free on sail... But afraid all the way long, Either to understand or to be understood Either to fight or to be fought for Either to ignore or to be ignored off Life moves on and so do we, But afraid all the way long... We begin fresh and agile, But end up frozen and dead, As we are afraid all the way long...

An Open Confession

Equality, Does it is really exist?? I retrospect and my heart asks Has it ever existed?? Man is and has always been the most ruthless Of all living kinds, Blood stained pages of history Say so... I introspect and my heart asks Do I really want it to exist?? Am I really ready to bring about a change?? I look around, I agitate, I rise up and I fall down, I resist and I surrender... There is and has always been a conflict And finally I see myself submit... I submit to the religion and to the culture, I submit to the society and to the authority... Equality, Does it really exist?? Equality, has it ever existed?? Equality, do I really want it to exist??