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Is Beautiful...

Watching the sunrise,
 with every ray of sun forming, a pattern
  Is beautiful…
Beautiful is the silent river
surrounded by the mountains ,all around…

 Falling down on the terrace,
 watching the stars twinkle
  Is beautiful…
Beautiful is the divine lamp,
Glossing in the dusk…
Driving along the road,
with the green water of
a river flowing beside
  Is beautiful…

Beautiful are the colors
Embossing a butterfly…
Walking on an endless road,
with cool breeze kissing the face
  Is beautiful…
Beautiful is the snow,
Covering a mountain cliff…
Looking at the rain drops,
Falling down from the heaven
  Is beautiful…

Beautiful are the little flowers,
Blushing out of a bush…
Beauty is what admires
Us all…
Beauty is what cheers
Us all…
Beautiful is the Mother Nature,
Assuring us of the tranquility…
Assuring us of the love…
Assuring us of the brightness…
Beauty is what surrounds
Us all…


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