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AnD wE sAy LiFe'S nOt FAir...

We say life’s not fair
While complaining about the
flavor less food in the mess
While we are not able to get
a seat to sit on a railway platform
While criticizing the system
for making us stand in a long queue
at a movie theatre
We say we are confused
Confused of not knowing
Which attire to purchase
for a friend’s wedding
Confused in choosing
a restaurant to party
Among all these complaints
And confusions
 Can we all just stop for a moment
And look around…
 Look around for
 the construction worker
who is in fact unaware
if he will be able to
 get two time bread
and a room to sleep and relax
each morning he wake up...
look around for the maid
who don’t even have
two piece clothing to
cover herself up
who feels stranded
of not being able to buy even
a mango on her child’s demand...
we say we are bewildered
bewildered about which dream to chase
and which direction to pursue
In between this thought  juggling
stop for a moment and look around
 look around for all those
destitute boys
selling newspaper on the signal
all of whose dreams are shattered

each moment we spend
plumping among
the various options we have
and we say life’s not fair…


  1. once mahatma gandhi said so. 'when you feel sad, devastated; picture the most poor, helpless guy you ve seen in your life, and you will start feeling better.' but i completely disagree. After all we idolize dhirubhai ambani, not a roadside begger.eel sad, devastated; picture the most poor, helpless guy you ve seen in your life, and you will start feeling better.' but i completely disagree. After all we idolize dhirubhai ambani, not a roadside begger.

  2. i agree with u to a certain level...wat m tryin to depict here is that....we must feel blessed of where we are born n wat we have..rather than always criticizing about the situations we find ourselves stuck in...

  3. touching! We should thank the Almighty for giving us the opportunities and luxuries we enjoy, which we take for granted generally.

  4. just like a prayer before the dinner.

  5. ya if u wanna take it that way its good...for me i use this when i feel confused...


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