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Yet another Debate and Yet another Anshan

The whole of the Jan Lokpal bill and the protest to pass this bill has taken me through a roller coaster of brain storming about both the sides of the bill, the government side as well as the civil society side and what I realized is that there is a part of me which support the team Anna and their good will to pass this bill, but at the same time there is this other side of me having some if’s and but’s about the same.
Some people are advocating the point that PM should not be under the Lok pal scanner, we must have to trust someone. But after the Bofors, CWG, 2 G scam, which were directly under PMO, common Man is now afraid of trusting any more. We trusted and what we got is yet another scam. So this is high time that this bill which has remained due since last 42 years is passed in the parliament with the PM under the scanner. There have been long and extensive debates on this bill from a long time, 8 standing committees have already reviewed this bill and the government is saying that there hasn’t been much of the debate on this bill. Some may argue that the version which is proposed by team Anna, has been in parliament only from Aug 4, but I believe that the result of all these debates which have already been taken place are in front of everyone, the only thing the government need to do is to compile them all and draw out the conclusions and finally pass this much awaited bill, if the government actually wishes to pass this bill. Otherwise keep on debating and let this bill remain in pipe line as it has remained from so far and so long.
“My fight will not end here, there will be more fights in coming days for land reforms, farmers” were the words of Anna published in today's THE HINDU which made me to have a few second thoughts, that if every matter is going to be dealt with such Anshans then what is the significance of having the Judiciary…
If each and every matter is going to be discussed with a Anna or some other public representative advocating about the wrong deeds of government, wouldn’t it be a mockery of our Judiciary and Parliament. Wouldn’t it be like having the Parliamentary sessions on street, like fighting each and every case on street with a people’s representative acting as a Judge and a whole mass of people groveling behind him.
I feel we as the educated youth of India must to something about the present political situation where each parliamentary session is ended with adjournment rather than just letting yet another Amnesia to set in.


  1. Nice take on the issue..... Some where down the line while reading the article I felt, there is a need to review our democratic setup and the extraordinarily lenient laws, if we have any meek hope of improving the current setup, where convicted criminals of heinous crimes are a given chance to defend while genuine people like RTI actvists are killed.

    You are absolutely right in saying that going on fasts for each and every reason will leave the Govt with no other job but to handle the protesters. But as Mr Kejriwal rightly said, given the authoritarian regime there was no other viable option they could follow. The ministers did not even have the courtesy to respond to the so called democratically approved methods of appeals and letters. This was for revered people like Anna and Kiran Bedi so one can imagine the plight of a common man.

    So don't u feel this fast is legitimate with the repercussion it promises to deliver. I wonder if Anna had to go ahead writing letters or say contesting an election to raise his voice in parliament how long it would have taken, and again it is almost impossible to get elected without pumping in money for these elections, thanks to the corrupt practices like distributing money and other gifts.....

    But again as you have rightly pointed out these fasts are acceptable as long as it is limited to corruption because as of today it has reached the acme of betrayal. And also I feel corruption is the root cause of many other problems for which such anshans might have to be taken up in future.....

    Hope for the best and may we make this place a better place to live....
    Cheers for writing :)

  2. What I would also like to add here that blaming only this government would be wrong because corruption is not a today's tale it has been in our blood since birth. You only mentioned the scams under PMO but a lot of positives has also been done under the same and the dignity and the character of the current PM is unquestionable.

    Democracy doesn't means that each and every individual have the right to make his own laws.The only power that resides with each individual regarding government in the country is the right to vote.When you have chosen the government you need to have faith in them.And to look further into its functions judiciary, opposition and many other bodies are present. Nobody can force the government to pass janlokpal or any other bill.

    Corruption is not only to use your position for your own benefits but to me wasting of resources is also a form of corruption.What people are doing currently by going onto anshans and fast is that they are wasting themselves.Result of this can be easily interpreted by seeing the downfall in the stock market.Instead of doing these things people should be determined enough to do their work with full strength, efficiency and honesty.
    The only solution to the problem of corruption lies with the people themselves and that is to to be not corrupt themselves.

    Finally I would say that I felt very happy to see such a huge support for Anna throughout the country, but I wonder how many of them themselves have the tendency to go the right way in life and if they have I think the major portion of the problem is already solved.

  3. I liked the way you concluded, but doubt we r having the judiciary to look into the matters carefully but somewhere something is wrong that's y so many scams took place. So some where down the line we have to have a proper vigilance system so that such things may not happen in the future...and the best thing which I can see to happen in near future is the passing of this bill which has remained in pipeline for so many years,had this been taken place earlier so much of the exchequer would not have gone in the hand of corrupt people...


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