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Will never FORGET what we have LOST

Today was a great day in the face of Indian Republic. Team Anna as well as the government along with all the opposition parties showed a great negotiation spirit in agreeing to the demands of Team Anna so as to pass a highly vigilant and robust Jan Lokpal Bill.
One thing that can’t be denied is that this movement has brought corruption to the day to day discussion of the common man and has no doubt made the people in power aware of the strength of the people who have brought them up, there.
 It has made the politicians aware of the fact that people would not allow them to carry out their wrong and corrupt deeds every 5 year of their ruling period. People have finally understood that the meaning of democracy goes beyond just the election of their representative every 5 year and then occupying a back seat and watch the government, dance on its own tune of corruption, they have rather become aware of their right to question any misdemeanor of government to prevent another CWG, 2G or KG.
 It was really amazing to see the youth discussing a parliamentary session and praising some, while criticizing the others on their speeches rather than discussing a cricket or a football match, as has been observed lately.
The people have now become heedful of the functioning of government and have risen above their parochial lives and  have become more watchful of the things going on in the country.

 This movement has given courage to a villager to question any authority about the delay in the installation of a hand pump in his village, has given strength to a farmer to fight, next time the government authorities try to acquire his land, has given a nerve to a senior citizen to demand justice on the deferral of his pension by any post office or bank employee.
Although this day has brought cheer to the heart of every Indian, but we will never forget what we have lost. 
 Although we all are going to sleep tight tonight, but we will always wake up and fight with the same spirit, if even a single penny of our tax goes into the swiss accounts of the corrupt men.


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