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Glamorized Youngistan: A word of caution

Being the part of young India, I feel proud that I belong to the class which defines the future of this country. But when I look around and start contemplating about our compatibility towards the kind of development which is required to take this Nation to the new heights, I become a bit apprehensive. Are we actually ready to cope up with the huge expectations which our country demands of us?? Or are we just the “so called Y-GEN” , “dudes and chics” whose conversation hovers around the diverse  branded clothes we wear and flaunt or the swanky hotels we dine in and party, when almost half of our population do not even have the choice of attire, who lead their whole life with a single saree or dhoti, when we are under 50 in the ranking of World’s most hungry countries. Don’t you think we have much grave issues to discuss than the number of likes of our FB posts??
Sadly but candidly speaking we actually belong to the generation for which protest means “to hit a like button of the pictures of some Anna or Baba fasting”, the generation whose strongest weapon of protest can’t rise above "a Candle Light March” in the first half of the evening and having “a Candle Light Dinner” in some Posh hotel in the latter half of the evening.
We are the “Y-GEN” that has bargained its nationalism for a foreign accent and bartered our song to the so called sophistication, which ultimately ends up into a doomed silence.
We claim ourselves to be secular, yet find ourselves sheltered in the matrimonial websites specifying the specific cast of the spouse we desire.
 We imagine ourselves to be connected to our friends and family my commenting on their Facebook snaps and posts, and at the same time feeling hesitant to call them or meet them and have a healthy conversation. We think that the social networking has narrowed the gap between people, though the ugly truth is that it has actually widened the gap between the relations.
We believe that the most threatening TINDERBOX for India is the terrorism from Pakistan, and are totally oblivious about the attacks or the property cheating, the Adivasis and Dalits confront every day in the multi syllable and difficult to pronounce places like Kherlanji and Gadchiroli which never manage to sneak into our sublime conversation .  
We are the Y-GEN that desperately wants to bring back the BLACK MONEY of the politicians piled up in the foreign banks, but at the same time we are also the “Y-GEN” that is ,equally desperate to get out of a long queue at a passport office by taking the name of some “BADE BABU” ,equally desperate to pay off the bribe to “HAWALDAR BHAI SAHAB” and get our ASS out of the misconduct of some traffic rule done on our part.
It seems that we are just the “Glamorized Youngistanis” hovering superficially and floundering aimlessly without rising above our comfort zone and are being completely oblivious about the role to be played by Me, You or more precisely by All of us together.       


  1. U've captured the paradoxes of this generation very well. Loved the post. Keep 'em coming :)

    1. hey thanks a lot...gud to have some comment from you after so long...:)


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