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It’s good to be stupid sometimes

There is a friend of mine who always have a very justified and clear explanation of everything concerning life, which most of us call “being on morally high ground” and there have been times when I too walk on the same road.
 But then there is this crazy, rather stupid part of me which thinks that why should there be this abiding all the time, why is there always an inner voice preventing us to get out of our comfort zone and do something which we have never done, why is this inner voice always contradicting that particular flare of doing things our away. Rather than going “by the book”, why ain’t we bold enough to write our own book.
And among all this thinking, there is this voice shouting out loudly from my conscience, all my contemplations point out towards one reason and that reason is “fear”. It’s the fear of being judged, it’s the fear of losing the so called self created “moral high ground”, also it’s the fear of latter regretting what we are doing now, fear of being called “stupid” latter,which prevents us from satisfying that flare.
 ”Shall I put on this dress for the party? O no I look a bit fat in this…” “Shall I ask her out some day? O no I wonder, I get a no…” “Shall I move on further with this relationship? O no I’m too apprehensive if it will work or not…” these are a few questions most of us encounter every day and it’s one or the other fear I have described earlier which prevent us to satisfy that quest of ours. And I have finally started believing that sometimes we ruin the fun by over thinking.So what, if there will be some moments when a few tears may drop by your eyes, but this is how we learn and believe me or not, it also something that adds spice to life.
 “You gotta be a bit crazy to enjoy life to its fullest”.
Being disciplined will no doubt fetch you with great results and I too totally agree that it’s very necessary in life. But sometimes it’s good to give it all a break, and be a bit stupid and satisfying every single spark igniting in our mind, never fearing the outcome, never regretting anything latter. There isn’t anything more revitalizing than “being a bit stupid sometimes”. If you don’t believe me, go for a shot and you will realize that every single bit of it is correct.


  1. I feel pretty much connected with your post. More with this part- Rather than going “by the book”, why ain’t we bold enough to write our own book.
    And I am doing it - I am writing one.
    We almost always come across these situations in life where you have to choose between morals and going stupid I would say and it is part of life.


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