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Melting Moments
As this semester is passing away, I am actually a bit anxious about the life coming ahead and at the same time am a bit sad about the one am going to leave behind. Winding up has always been difficult for me, but this time it is going to be heart racking. This place has actually made me what I really am today.
Met new people, who have now started defining my being, their presence actually define my fun, and their absence make me feel miserable at times. And suddenly I’m realizing that most of them will not going to be around anymore. It seems as if the movie is approaching its “the end” and a sequel is about to be released with a whole new set of characters and is going to be shot at a completely new place.
 From my personal experience I have learnt that long distance relationships are difficult to maintain and it makes me a bit apprehensive about the changes in the configurations that are about to come.
It seems as if an era has passed away but in a click’s instant and all I’m going to be left with, will be a set of talking moments reminding me of the times when fun meant “to shout out loudly from the terrace at mid night”, “to keep on gossiping until the sunrise”," to roam around vaguely commenting on strange people’s bizarre dressing style”, “to keep on text messaging about any nonsense for hours”, "to walk into a presentation unprepared and making up random theories in the viva”.  
 Four years ago this place embraced me with a whole new milieu, and now as the time has passed away I do not and will never regret to say that “those were the best days of my life”. The most exciting part of this life has been “the hostel”, which has transformed me from a spoilt brat to the actual human being in the exact words of my Dad. Now I have mastered to fiddle with every damn situation life may present me with, “from taking bath with cold water in chilly December to sleeping without Desert cooler in the extreme heat of May, trying to make the room cooler by spilling water on the floor”. I have actually started seeking pleasure in fighting my ass off to have a few bites of home-made food and have suddenly realized what a great cook my mom really is.
I have achieved a sense of togetherness here, together we have laughed, together we have cried and then have consoled each other, I have learnt that everyone has a unique set of ideas and have learnt to respect them all.
 “This place has made me learn that two is a company and three is a crowd but the crowd is where you enjoy the most”….and that fun is what we call “BHASAD” here at MNIT…    


  1. aah. nostalgia! cherish your final days at MNIT. because they aint comin back.

  2. yes boss that's what we are trying to do...exploring and enjoying Jaipur and MNIT to its fullest...:)

  3. its awesome...u hv summed up all the memories into one...reminds me of all the days spent here..

  4. i think this is hw every person who has ever lived in MNIT especially in hostel felt..v beautifully written:)

  5. aahha i rem spilling water on the floor.....actually makes a breeding place for mosquitos.. :P

  6. the water was tap water not from any NALA, my dear Senjuti...


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