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Different facts and figures about recession and inflation and the much talked about corruption and black money…comments and cross comments of different NETAS justifying their wrong endeavors to save their GADDI…media reports weather to create awareness or rather improve their own TRP…all Jamming on together in my head and has gotten me stuck in the situation of not knowing what to believe.

Are the shooting prices of oil and petrol caused by OPEC’s decision or is it because of some NETA’s misdeeds in favoring some corporate KAROD PATI and then burdening the JANTA with the hiked oil and petrol prices to offshoot the losses incurred in government revenue.

Recent comments by Mr. Pranab Mukherjee about the SATYAGRAHS that they are harming the country’s democracy has forced me to recollect the definition of democracy which was being taught to me in class 7 political science and I surely remember that in a democracy, about the government it said that its elected BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE FROM THE PEOPLE, where everyone has right to speak against the government if he feels the government is wrong, so how can a Baba’s or Anna’s ANSHAN be a threat to democracy?? And even more tragic is that the so called oldest party of our country THE CONGRESS party which fought against the British through SATYAGRAHS is supporting him over such illogical comments. I think the lust for money has made them forget the principles of their own ancestors.

The concept of allied government has made the government even more handcuffed that poor Prime minister has to cover up every 2-G scam, CWG scam, S-band or the most recent one the petroleum ministry’s favoring to RIL and he has to back every RAJA, KALMADI or DEORA unless some investigation opens up the novella of their feeding themselves on the tax paid by the JANTA. And then comes the most remarkable part…our PM’s statement that he was unaware of what was going which takes my amazement to cloud nine as all these ministries lies under his own office, THE PMO. How can someone be unaware of the things happening right under his nose or he is just turning a blind eye on all these things in order to save his government which is standing on uneven legs.

Among all these things a person turns his head to media hoping to draw up the real picture of what is actually happening but to our bad luck the media especially the Electronic media serves no good…it further enhances your irritation level by showing the catchy news throughout the day to improve their TRP and make their own business and there by side lining the real news concerning the poor JANTA. Among all these PAID MEDIA further adds up to the JANTA’s plight.

The conclusion that I can draw out of this political drama is that everyone out here is power hungry and is sitting on the same branch, some totally imbibed in corruption, some at the verge of getting imbibed whereas there are some who are wearing the mask of baba holding the tree tightly afraid of being exposed. And all I can think of is that I’m the ALICE but not in the WONDER LAND but in theBLUNDER LAND


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