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Recently I have been to HARIDWAR, in the abode of holy Ganga for our training cum touring at BHEL HARIDWAR.
There we had so many bizarre experiences. Each day opened up as usual but ended up with a new experience sometimes pleasant, sometimes bad, but each time leaving behind a whole lot of memories to cherish with. Be it the TUFAANI NIGHT…which took away my sleepers or be it the one with the mosquitoes when these little creatures kept buzzing into our eardrums each time we tried to sleep.
 But the best and the most memorable of all was the RIVER RAFTING, the first adventure sport of my life, which I feel is worth sharing with you all.
  Just imagine the freezing water of GANGES trying to push your boat off just as the bull does to the cowboy, truly ASTOUNDING , I know it sounds crazy when you listen but when you do it trust me no other experience in your life can beat this one at any cost.
It was a beautiful Sunday morning which took us to RISHIKESH, about 25 km from HARIDWAR. We were one and half a dozen of people and we hired a rickety bus, arranged by the guys of our college with the help of THE CHAI VALA… and as every bus trip in our country starts with ANTRAKSHARI so was this one…we started singing songs because that in our opinion is the best way of passing time. Any ways after about 45 minutes of ride, we reached there…and I was eagerly waiting for the adventure to begin.
After taking the breakfast in some hotel we booked the RAFT. Actually there are two types of RFATING VOYAGE in RISHIKESH, the smaller one from BHRAMPURI and the other one is from SHIVPURI, the longer one which is of 21 KM…and obviously we took the longer one…
The RAFT VALA took us to this place called SHIVPURI, 20 KM from RISHIKESH by a tempo traveller which carried our RAFT. After reaching there they tugged us with the life jackets and the helmets and gave us instruction which in first place seemed really scary…and VOILA finally we were on the RAFT with the paddles in our hands and lots of excitement in our heart.
Each time we were about to encounter a RAPID our instructor told us the rapid name, and then came the real fun, the cold water rising up and coming towards you in the form of big wave shaking your raft as if you were experiencing some Earth Quake.
And then came this major rapid and all a remember is a mighty wave coming towards our raft and a moment later I found myself right under the raft and tons of liters of water all around me, at first instance toh I thought this was it…but then I tried to come out and saw our raft and my fear diminished to some extent but still I was in water but finally my friends lifted me out, and we were all again on the raft, safe and sound…after that event I named this rapid as VORTEX.
Then rapid after rapid the excitement kept rising on and the fear was replaced by this unexplainable good feeling in my heart…
After encountering VORTEX another best thing which we encountered was cliff jumping, which generated in us the extra adrenaline while were jumping off.
 It’s basically a 30-40 feet high lofty cliff and then when you jump you encounter this ice cold water in hot weather of May…which is something out of this world.
After rafting we left for this place called GARUNCHATTI where we had a jiffy of tracking. It was basically a waterfall but after the RAFTING thing I was completely enervated that I was not able to admire the beauty of this place.
Finally our trip ended up with dinner and I was so drenched that I slept off as soon as Sakshi and I reached our KUTIYA(the small room which we took on rent, the worst part of our stay at HARIDWAR)
For all those people who love adventure I would say that RIVER RAFTING is truly your CUP OF TEA. J  


  1. seriously i wont forget that day ever in my life :).. awesome experience.. and yeah.. apt name.. "vortex" :)

  2. and a very special thanx to u sakshi because of whom I came along...:)

  3. well said suhani. seems you guys had lotta fun there.

  4. thank u boss...yes a hell lot of funnnnn....:)

  5. Having the best time and enjoying the adventure camps in Rishikesh become the dream vacation for many people. The way, nature is ready to welcome you, the beauty of the river you can find, the waterfalls, birds and more will make your time the best, there is no doubt. You have the same interest, then what is pulling you back. Go ahead and plan it now. You can accommodate at the Rishikesh Hotels as well. Surely, the problem starts here as many options create confusion. Not to worry, take your time to do the research and the rest will be perfect. Want to know how you manage all, then here is the article doe you.

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