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A new PAKISTANI MOVIE,BOL, which I recently came across and felt like blogging a bit about it... 
Bol is Shoaib Mansoor's second dramatic breakthrough of revealing life with its complexities. After Khuda Kay Liye, that went on to win several international awards, Bol is another gripping story authored by him. A story that shows the realities of life very closely. The web of relationships within a family that barely makes ends meet. On top of the poverty the father subscribes to a set of values many would relate to…Values that we inherit and tightly hold on to, values that embody contradictions, values that have not been questioned.
Bol is a roller coaster of emotions, yet carries subtleties that make your heartbeat stop. Based in the heart of Lahore, the story takes place in a house full of daughters, with vibrancy of life, yet restrictions on blooming. It questions the worth of a human being, may it be a woman or a person born with defect. It questions the authority of reproducing human beings into this world without taking responsibility of acknowledging their worth.
Bol takes you through a journey into the life of this family experiencing their troubles, sufferings, resolves and high points. As family members take decisions to solve their problems they steep into deeper troubles. The complexity of their circumstances becomes a struggle of life and death.
Humaina Malick, after gaining popularity on the small screen in the recent years has been picked for the big screen for the first time. She plays a daughter who gets affected the most by the family tensions. She respects the norms she has been given by her parents yet is compelled by her intuitive logic and sense for justice to rebel.
Atif Aslam plays an enlightened neighbor, and with his two loves, one for music and the other for the next door beauty, Mahira Khan, adds romance and melody to the film.
Iman Ali will be seen in a very different role than her usual appearances. Courtesan who is ambivalent between the standards of success her family considers so important and the desires of her own heart.
Bol is Bold.


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